Results for 'Franz Carl Endres'

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  1. Der augenblick ist ewigkeit.Franz Carl Endres - 1938 - Zürich und Leipzig,: Rascher.
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    Von den grenzen unserer erkenntnis.Franz Carl Endres - 1935 - Zürich [etc.]: Rascher & cie, a.g..
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    Psycho-Physical Dualism Today: An Interdisciplinary Approach.Friedrich Beck, Carl Johnson, Franz von Kutschera, E. Jonathan Lowe, Uwe Meixner, David S. Oderberg, Ian J. Thompson & Henry Wellman - 2008 - Lexington Books.
    Until quite recently, mind-body dualism has been regarded with deep suspicion by both philosophers and scientists. This has largely been due to the widespread identification of dualism in general with one particular version of it: the interactionist substance dualism of Réné Descartes. This traditional form of dualism has, ever since its first formulation in the seventeenth century, attracted numerous philosophical objections and is now almost universally rejected in scientific circles as empirically inadequate. During the last few years, however, renewed attention (...)
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    Freedom, authority and economics: essays on Michael Polanyi's politics and economics.R. T. Allen, Klaus R. Allerbeck, Viktor Geng, Tihamér Margitay, Richard W. Moodey, Carl Phillips Mullins, Endre Nagy & Simon Smith (eds.) - 2016 - Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press.
    This edited volume of original contributions deals with the economic and political thought of Michael Polanyi. Requiring little prior knowledge of Polanyi, this volume further develops a somewhat neglected side of Polanyi's work. In particular it examines the 'tacit integration', of subsidiary details into focal objects or actions as central to all knowing and action. It traces ontological counterparts in the structures of comprehensive entities and complex actions, and a multi-level universe in which lower levels have their boundary conditions, the (...)
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  5. Ein Brief Franz Brentanos an Carl Stumpf vom 10.02.1876.Franz Brentano - 1993 - Acta Analytica 8:33-42.
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    Briefe an Carl Stumpf 1867-1917.Franz Brentano - 1989 - Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt. Edited by Carl Stumpf, Peter Goller & Gerhard Oberkofler.
  7. Reminiscences of Franz Brentano.Carl Stumpf - 1976 - In Linda McAlister (ed.), The Philosophy of Franz Brentano. Duckworth.
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    Aus einem Brief von Franz Brentano an Carl Stumpf.Gustav TheodorHG Fechner & Franz Brentano - 2015 - In Gustav Theodor Fechner & Franz Brentano (eds.), Briefwechsel Über Psychophysik, 1874-1878. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 120-122.
  9. Volker Neumann Entzauberung des Rechts? Franz Neumann und Carl Schmitt.Warum Carl Schmitt - 2009 - In Samuel Salzborn (ed.), Kritische Theorie des Staates: Staat und Recht bei Franz L. Neumann. Baden-Baden: Nomos. pp. 79.
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    Das empirische Denken Carl Braigs (1853 - 1923).Franz Träger - 1979 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 5:341-356.
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    Briefwechsel.Franz Overbeck & Heinrich [Peter Gast] Köselitz - 1998 - De Gruyter.
    Betr. die Nachlässe Franz Overbeck und Carl Albrecht Bernoulli in der Universitätsbibliothek Basel.
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    Crahay Franz. A propos d'une réduction fallacieuse des notions d'existence et de vérité. Actes du XIème Congrès International de Philosophie, Volume V, Logique, analyse philosophique, philosophie des mathématiques, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1953, and Éditions E. Nauwelaerts, Louvain 1953, pp. 156–159. [REVIEW]Carl G. Hempel - 1955 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 20 (1):56-56.
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    Ruhmesblatter der Technik. Feldhaus, Franz M.Carl von Klinckowstroem - 1927 - Isis 9 (2):378-380.
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    Foreplay: Hannah Arendt, the Two Adornos, and Walter Benjamin.Carl Djerassi - 2011 - University of Wisconsin Press.
    Hannah Arendt, Walter Benjamin, and Theodor W. Adorno were intellectual giants of the first half of the twentieth century. The drama _Foreplay_ explores their deeply human and psychologically intriguing private lives, focusing on professional and personal jealousies, the mutual dislike of Theodor Adorno and Hannah Arendt, the association between Walter Benjamin and Georges Bataille, and the border between erotica and pornography. Djerassi’s extensive biographical research brings to light many fascinating details revealed in the dialogues among the characters, including Adorno’s obsession (...)
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  15. Philosophie scientifique et philosophie des préjugés.Franz Brentano - 2013 - Philosophie 119 (4):5-32.
    Le texte traduit ici est tiré d’un recueil réunissant plusieurs écrits du philosophe allemand Franz Brentano (1838-1917) et publié en 1925 par son disciple Alfred Kastil sous le titre Essai sur la connaissance. La pièce maîtresse du recueil est un manuscrit de Brentano intitulé « À bas les préjugés ! », portant le sous-titre : « Une exhortation pour inciter l’époque actuelle à renoncer, dans l’esprit de Bacon et de Descartes, à tous les a priori aveugles » (1903). Nous (...)
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    The Limits of Generosity: Lessons on Ethics, Economy, and Reciprocity in Kafka’s The Metamorphosis.Carl Rhodes & Robert Westwood - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 133 (2):235-248.
    This paper interrogates the relation between reciprocity and ethics as it concerns participation in the world of work and organizations. Tracing discussions of business and organizational ethics that concern themselves, respectively, with the ethics of self-interest, the ethics of reciprocity, and the ethics of generosity, we explore the possibility of ethical relations with those who are seen as radically different, and who are divested of anything worth exchanging. To address this we provide a reading of Franz Kafka’s famous novella (...)
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  17. The Logic of Confirmation and Theory Assessment.Franz Huber - 2005 - In L. Behounek & M. Bilkova (eds.), The Logica Yearbook. Filosofia.
    This paper discusses an almost sixty year old problem in the philosophy of science -- that of a logic of confirmation. We present a new analysis of Carl G. Hempel's conditions of adequacy (Hempel 1945), differing from the one Carnap gave in §87 of his Logical Foundations of Probability (1962). Hempel, it is argued, felt the need for two concepts of confirmation: one aiming at true theories and another aiming at informative theories. However, he also realized that these two (...)
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  18. Neo-fascist legal theory on trial: An interpretation of Carl Schmitt's defence at nuremberg from the perspective of Franz Neumann's critical theory of law.Michael Salter - 1999 - Res Publica 5 (2):161-193.
    This article addresses, from a Frankfurt School perspective on law identified with Franz Neumann and more recently Habermas, the attack upon the principles of war criminality formulated at the Nuremberg trials by the increasingly influential legal and political theory of Carl Schmitt. It also considers the contradictions within certain of the defence arguments that Schmitt himself resorted to when interrogated as a possible war crimes defendant at Nuremberg. The overall argument is that a distinctly internal, or “immanent”, form (...)
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    Carl Werner Muüer: Zur Datierung des sophokleischen Ödipus. (Abhandlungen der geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse, 1984, Nr. 5.) Pp. 85. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner, 1984. DM. 32.N. G. Wilson - 1985 - The Classical Review 35 (1):181-181.
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    Los tiempos del poder: Franz Rosenzweig y Carl Schmitt.Roberto Navarrete Alonso - 2017 - Madrid: Escolar y Mayo Editores.
    Desde tiempos inmemoriales, filosofía y teoría política han deambulado por senderos paralelos: en unas ocasiones, prestándose armas mutuamente; en otras, sin embargo, arrinconándose y asfixiándose. A causa de la complejidad de los sucesos acaecidos en el pasado siglo XX, a aquella conflictiva pero siempre enriquecedora relación se unieron compañeras como la teología, la sociología o la antropología, que desearon aportar algo de luz en el opaco contexto de las guerras mundiales, el desarrollo del nazismo, la Revolución rusa, la emergencia de (...)
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    Gregor Mendel, Franz Unger, Carl Nägeli and the magic of numbers.Ariane Dröscher - 2015 - History of Science 53 (4):492-508.
    This paper aims to illustrate the influence of Franz Unger’s (1800–1870) and Carl Wilhelm Nägeli’s (1817–1891) anatomical and developmental works on Gregor Mendel’s (1822–1884) use of numerical ratios in biological inquiry. All hypotheses concerning Mendel’s sources of inspiration have hitherto overlooked the cytological teaching of Unger, his professor of botany. In the 1830s and 1840s, he was a pioneer of cell theory. His publications, including his university textbooks, are characterised by a particulate and quantifying approach towards vital phenomena. (...)
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  22. Carl Werner, Franz Suarez und die Scholastik der letzten Jahrhunderte. [REVIEW]Giorgio Tonelli - 1969 - Filosofia 20 (2):347.
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  23. Introduction to Carl Stumpf's Correspondence with Franz Brentano.Denis Fisette - 2015 - In Denis Fisette & Riccardo Martinelli (eds.), Philosophy from an Empirical Standpoint: Essays on Carl Stumpf. Boston: Rodopi.
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    Carl Werner Müller: Erysichthon: Der Mythos als narrative Metapher im Demeterhymnos des Kallimachos. (Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz: Abhandlungen der geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse. Jahrgang 1987. Nr. 13.) Pp. 104. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 1987. Paper, DM 42. [REVIEW]N. Hopkinson - 1988 - The Classical Review 38 (2):401-401.
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    (1 other version)Le contenu et la méthode des philosophies de Franz Brentano et Carl Stumpf.Wilhelm Baumgartner - 2003 - Les Études Philosophiques 1/2003 (N° 64), P. 3-22 2003 (64):3-22.
    Both Franz Brentano and his pupil Carl Stumpf, in their psychology, laid stress to the description and analysis of psychical phenomena, or functions, in order to get a taxonomy of mental acts. In their logic, they undertake the proof of whether empirically given knowledge is logically necessary.
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    Introduction to Carl Stumpf’s Correspondence with Franz Brentano.Denis Fisette - 2015 - In Denis Fisette & Riccardo Martinelli (eds.), Philosophy from an Empirical Standpoint: Essays on Carl Stumpf. Boston: Rodopi. pp. 473-490.
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    The State of the Political: Conceptions of Politics and the State in the Thought of Max Weber, Carl Schmitt, and Franz Neumann.Duncan Kelly - 2003 - Oup/British Academy.
    The State of the Political challenges traditional interpretations of the political thought of Max Weber, Carl Schmitt, and Franz Neumann. Focusing on their adaptation of a German tradition of state-legal theory, the book offers a scholarly, contextualized account of the interrelationship between their political thought and practical political criticism. Dr Kelly criticizes the typical separation of these writers, and offers a substantial reinterpretation of modern German political thought in a period of profound transition, in particular the relationship between (...)
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    Franz Brentano and Cornelio Fabro: A Forgotten Chapter of the Brentanian Reception.A. Russo - 2014 - Axiomathes 24 (1):157-165.
    In celebration of the centenary of the Italian philosopher Cornelio Fabro’s birth (1911–1995), this paper investigates the essential theoretical traits that undergird the framework of Fabro’s 1941 texts, by comparing them with Franz Brentano’s (1838–1817) project of renewing Thomism through a new understanding of Aristotle. The secondary literature concerning the comparison of both these authors is almost nonexistent. Our goal is to clarify some of the central issues regarding the relation between Fabro and Brentano through direct textual analysis of (...)
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  29. Franz Boll. Sternglaube und Sterndeutung. Die Geschichte und das Wesen der Astrologie, dargestellt unter Mitwirkung von Carl Bezold. [REVIEW]J. Bidez - 1928 - Revue Belge de Philologie Et D’Histoire 7 (1):283-283.
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    Reinhard Mehring: Kafkanien. Carl Schmitt, Franz Kafka und der moderne Verfassungsstaat. Dekonstruktion und Dämonisierung des Rechts, Frankfurt a. M.: Klostermann 2022, 150 S. [REVIEW]Martin Arndt - 2023 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 75 (2):200-201.
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    In the Straight - Franz Bömer: P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphosen: Kommentar, Buch XII—XIII. Pp. 471. Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1982. DM. 280. [REVIEW]E. J. Kenney - 1984 - The Classical Review 34 (1):33-36.
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    (1 other version)Tattenham Corner? Franz Bömer: P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphosen: Kommentar. Buch X–XI. Pp. 441. Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1980. DM. 210 (paper, DM. 180). [REVIEW]E. J. Kenney - 1982 - The Classical Review 32 (02):165-167.
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    Historia universal y apocalipsis: un comentario sobre el estado del mundo en Franz Rosenzweig y Carl Schmitt.Emmanuel Taub - 2017 - Ratio Juris 12 (24):343-362.
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    Carl Schmitt Im Kontext: Intellektuellenpolitik in der Weimarer Republik.Stefan Breuer - 2012 - Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
    Carl Schmitt verfügt heute über eine so breite und stets wachsende internationale Leserschaft wie kein anderer deutscher Staatsrechtslehrer des vergangenen Jahrhunderts. Sein Werk wird dabei freilich meist isoliert betrachtet und allenfalls auf den staatsrechtlichen Kontext bezogen. Im Mittelpunkt dieses Buches steht dagegen der politische Intellektuelle, der weit über die Grenzen seines Faches hinauswirkte. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit gilt dabei den Anfangs- und den Endjahren der Weimarer Republik. Während Schmitt in München Strategien zur Zähmung der Revolution entwickelte, setzte er sich in seinen (...)
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    Le fonti del problema dell’essere nel giovane Heidegger: Franz Brentano e Carl Braig.Franco Volpi - 2001 - Quaestio 1 (1):39-54.
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    (1 other version)Franz Brentano’s Philosophy After One Hundred Years: From History of Philosophy to Reism.Denis Fisette, Guillaume Fréchette & Hynek Janoušek (eds.) - 2020 - Springer.
    This volume brings together contributions that explore the philosophy of Franz Brentano. It looks at his work both critically and in the context of contemporary philosophy. For instance, Brentano influenced the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl, the theory of objects of Alexius Meinong, the early development of the Gestalt theory, the philosophy of language of Anton Marty, the works of Carl Stumpf in the psychology of tone, and many others. Readers will also learn the contributions of Brentano's work to (...)
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    La figure de l'ennemi dans la pensée de Franz Rosenzweig et de Carl Schmitt.Grégoire Boulanger - 2011 - Archives de Philosophie 74 (3):491-508.
    La question de l’ennemi et de la guerre chez Rosenzweig est importante non seulement pour comprendre l’auteur, mais aussi son œuvre : L’Étoile de la Rédemption. Avec la relation d’hostilité, la temporalité rédemptrice basée sur le commandement d’amour s’affronte au problème des rapports qu’ont le judaïsme et le christianisme avec la guerre et le nationalisme.
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  38. Rethinking Franz Neumann's route to Behemoth.D. Kelly - 2002 - History of Political Thought 23 (3):458-496.
    Because of its characterization of National Socialism as a form of 'totalitarian monopoly capitalism', many critics of Franz Neumann's pioneering book of 1942, Behemoth, have rejected what they see as a crude Marxist analysis of the subject. This not only does little justice to the richness of Neumann's book, it also distorts its central focus. By contrast, this paper suggests that a proper appreciation of the impact of Max Weber in general, and Carl Schmitt in particular, on the (...)
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    Théologie politique et fin de l'histoire Carl Schmitt et Franz Rosenzweig.Jean-Luc Evard - 2012 - Cités 50 (2):161-172.
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    S. Döpp : Antike Rhetorik und ihre Rezeption. Symposion zu Ehren von Professor Dr. Carl Joachim Classen D. Litt. Oxon. am 21. und 22. November 1998 in Göttingen. Pp. 181, ills. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 1999. Paper, DM 88. ISBN: 3-515-07524-0. [REVIEW]Roland Mayer - 2000 - The Classical Review 50 (2):676-676.
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    Globalización y geopolítica de la historia: Franz Rosenzweig y Carl Schmitt.Roberto Navarrete Alonso - 2017 - Endoxa 40:183.
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  42. Carl Stumpf nell'interpretazione di C. Fabro.R. Martinelli - 2013 - In Antonio Russo (ed.), Cornelio Fabro e Franz Brentano. Per un nuovo realismo. Roma: Studium. pp. 223-241.
    Il lavoro analizza la tempestiva ricezione da parte di Cornelio Fabro della filosofia di Carl Stumpf, così come esposta nella postuma Erkenntnislehre. Fin dai lavori dei primi anni Quaranta Fabro adotta una concezione della ‘fenomenologia’ distante da quella di Husserl perché ricalcata sulla definizione stumpfiana. Più in generale, Fabro si ispira a Stumpf ancor più che allo stesso Brentano. A partire dalla distinzione tra ‘fenomeni' e ‘funzioni psichiche’ Stumpf è infatti capace di proseguire il rilancio dell’aristotelismo con coerenza ancor (...)
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    (1 other version)Carl Schmitt: Theorist for the Reich.G. L. Ulmen - 1984 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1984 (59):201-212.
    “Who are you? Tu quis es?” The interrogator was the German philosopher and pedagogue Eduard Spranger. The subject was Carl Schmitt. The place: Berlin. The time: summer of 1945. The question was “precipitous,” as Schmitt acknowledged in Ex Captivitate Salus, the book he completed following his release from Nuremberg in 1947. “Who are you?” Who, but one of the most highly acclaimed and esteemed jurists and political thinkers of the Weimar Republic, whose writings captured the attention of Georg Lukács, (...)
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  44. Carl Stumpf’s Debt to Hermann Lotze.Nikolay Milkov - 2015 - In Denis Fisette & Riccardo Martinelli (eds.), Philosophy from an Empirical Standpoint: Essays on Carl Stumpf. Boston: Rodopi. pp. 101-122.
    Carl Stumpf (1848–1937) is a key figure in the fin de siècle germanophone philosophy. Unfortunately, after the World War One, the interest towards Stumpf as a philosopher waned. One of the reasons was that already in the 1920s the attention of the mainstream philosophers shifted in direction of the rising rivalry between analytic and continental philosophy. The interest towards Carl Stumpf’s philosophy was revived only in the last twenty years or so. Great service in this provided the Neo-Brentanists. (...)
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    Donald Trump meets Carl Schmitt.William E. Scheuerman - 2019 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 45 (9-10):1170-1185.
    By revisiting late-Weimar debates between Carl Schmitt and two left-wing critics, Otto Kirchheimer and Franz L Neumann, we can shed light on the surprising alliance of populist politics with key tenets of economic liberalism, an alliance that vividly manifests itself in the political figure and retrograde policies of Donald Trump. In the process, we can begin to fill a striking lacuna in recent scholarly literature on populism, namely its failure to pay proper attention to matters of political economy. (...)
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    Carl Stumpf's Philosophy of Mathematics.Carlo Ierna - 2015 - In Denis Fisette & Riccardo Martinelli (eds.), Philosophy from an Empirical Standpoint: Essays on Carl Stumpf. Boston: Rodopi.
    Like most of Franz Brentano’s students, Carl Stumpf showed an interest in the philosophy of mathematics. In particular, Stumpf wrote his habilitation thesis On the Foundations of Mathematics, used mathematical examples in central parts of his lectures, and later returned to the topic in the posthumously published Erkenntnislehre. I will try to show the development and the continuity of Stumpf’s position on the basis of his writings and (unpublished) lectures on logic and psychology, taking into account the Brentanist (...)
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  47. Wozu brauchte Carl Stumpf Sachverhalte?Arkadiusz Chrudzimski - 2002 - Brentano Studien 10:67-82.
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    La"psyché" judeoalemana ante el Derecho y el Estado: Walter Benjamin y Franz Rosenzweig.Roberto Navarrete Alonso - 2019 - Revista de Filosofía 44 (1):61-77.
    El artículo analiza el vínculo entre derecho y violencia en Walter Benjamin y Franz Rosenzweig. Primero, se estudia la relación entre Benjamin, Rosenzweig y Carl Schmitt, y, a continuación, la proximidad entre las concepciones benjaminiana y rosenzweiguiana de la historia y de la temporalidad mesiánica, así como la relación entre justicia, derecho y eternidad. Finalmente, se presenta la propuesta derridiana de una deconstrucción de la crítica benjaminiana de la violencia y su antecedente en _La estrella de la redención_.
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    Carl Gottfried Neumann.Robert Disalle - 1993 - Science in Context 6 (1):345-353.
    The ArgumentCarl Gottfried Neumann was born in Königsberg, Prussia, in 1832 and died in Leipzig in 1925. His father was the physicist Franz Neumann, notable for his contributions not only to the study of electricity and magnetism but also to the development of physics education in nineteenth-century Germany. Carl Neumann studied at the University of Königsberg and received his doctorate in 1855 with a work on the application of elliptic integrals to mechanics. In 1858 he became Privatdozent, and (...)
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    Brigitte Lohff;, Hinderk Conrads. From Berlin to New York: Life and Work of the Almost Forgotten German-Jewish Biochemist Carl Neuberg . Translated by, Anthony Mellor-Stapelberg. 294 pp., figs., tables, bibl., indexes. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2007. €45. [REVIEW]Simone Wenkel - 2008 - Isis 99 (4):855-856.
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